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主营:主营:血管内皮生长因子-C, Spp1, IRF-3, DPYSL2, GLUT5
当前位置: 首页 > 产品中心 > Sandwich_method_ELISA > IBL/醇溶蛋白IgA ELISA/RE75701/
商品详细IBL/醇溶蛋白IgA ELISA/RE75701/
IBL/醇溶蛋白IgA ELISA/RE75701/
IBL/醇溶蛋白IgA ELISA/RE75701/
商品编号: RE75701
市场价: ¥4140.00
美元价: 2484.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 夹心法ELISA
公司分类: Sandwich_method_ELISA
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com
Kit size12 x 8
Incubation time3 x 30 min
Standard range0 - 100 U/mL, cut-off 14 U/mL
Specimen / Volumes5 µL serum
Substrate / isotopeTMB 450 nm
Regulatory Status:EU: CE
Details for:  Gliadin IgA ELISA
Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative and quantitative determination of IgA antibodies against gliadin in human serum. Celiac disease (synonyme: gluten-sensitive enteropathy) affects the upper small intestine and is caused by a hypersensitive reaction to gluten, a set of proteins present in many kinds of cereal grain, e.g. wheat, oats, barley and rye. Its morphological manifestation, the more or less complete atrophy of the villi, leads to malabsorption problems, e.g. chronic vitamin deficiency. Celiac disease is frequently not detected and anemia or chronical fatigue and depressions are signs of a latent disposition. Antibodies against gliadin, a component of gluten, and tissue transglutaminase (tTG) are of major significance in the diagnosis of celiac disease. tTG has been identified as the major target antigen of EMA, antibodies binding to endomysium in indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA). Antibodies to gliadin may be the only serological marker in neonatals, as autoantibodies to tTG or EMA are not present at this age. Consequently anti-gliadin antibodies are the earliest serological marker for pediatricians when diagnosing celiac disease
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